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C# Color Name Table
The following color codes are taken from the HTML specifications, whose names correspond to the names given for the .KnownColor attributes. For example, to get one of these color schemes, you would write
Color c = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.colorname)
where colorname is from the table below. The values are also supplied; so you could use the FromArgb method to create the color. The following two lines produce the same color:
Color c1 = Color.FromArgb(32,178,170); Color c2 = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.LightSeaGreen);
In the table, I have assigned the exact color values given. The rendering you actually see will depend upon whether or not your browser honors 24-bit color requests (some browsers will map colors to the "nearest Web palette color"), the adjustments to your monitor, and the corrections your video card applies. Your Mileage May Vary.
Disclaimer. I'm still learning C#. If you see any errors in the above descriptions please let me know, and I will correct them.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
.AliceBlue |
240,248,255 |
.LightSalmon |
255,160,122 |
.AntiqueWhite |
250,235,215 |
.LightSeaGreen |
32,178,170 |
.Aqua |
0,255,255 |
.LightSkyBlue |
135,206,250 |
.Aquamarine |
127,255,212 |
.LightSlateGray |
119,136,153 |
.Azure |
240,255,255 |
.LightSteelBlue |
176,196,222 |
.Beige |
245,245,220 |
.LightYellow |
255,255,224 |
.Bisque |
255,228,196 |
.Lime |
0,255,0 |
.Black |
0,0,0 |
.LimeGreen |
50,205,50 |
.BlanchedAlmond |
255,255,205 |
.Linen |
250,240,230 |
.Blue |
0,0,255 |
.Magenta |
255,0,255 |
.BlueViolet |
138,43,226 |
.Maroon |
128,0,0 |
.Brown |
165,42,42 |
.MediumAquamarine |
102,205,170 |
.BurlyWood |
222,184,135 |
.MediumBlue |
0,0,205 |
.CadetBlue |
95,158,160 |
.MediumOrchid |
186,85,211 |
.Chartreuse |
127,255,0 |
.MediumPurple |
147,112,219 |
.Chocolate |
210,105,30 |
.MediumSeaGreen |
60,179,113 |
.Coral |
255,127,80 |
.MediumSlateBlue |
123,104,238 |
.CornflowerBlue |
100,149,237 |
.MediumSpringGreen |
0,250,154 |
.Cornsilk |
255,248,220 |
.MediumTurquoise |
72,209,204 |
.Crimson |
220,20,60 |
.MediumVioletRed |
199,21,112 |
.Cyan |
0,255,255 |
.MidnightBlue |
25,25,112 |
.DarkBlue |
0,0,139 |
.MintCream |
245,255,250 |
.DarkCyan |
0,139,139 |
.MistyRose |
255,228,225 |
.DarkGoldenrod |
184,134,11 |
.Moccasin |
255,228,181 |
.DarkGray |
169,169,169 |
.NavajoWhite |
255,222,173 |
.DarkGreen |
0,100,0 |
.Navy |
0,0,128 |
.DarkKhaki |
189,183,107 |
.OldLace |
253,245,230 |
.DarkMagena |
139,0,139 |
.Olive |
128,128,0 |
.DarkOliveGreen |
85,107,47 |
.OliveDrab |
107,142,45 |
.DarkOrange |
255,140,0 |
.Orange |
255,165,0 |
.DarkOrchid |
153,50,204 |
.OrangeRed |
255,69,0 |
.DarkRed |
139,0,0 |
.Orchid |
218,112,214 |
.DarkSalmon |
233,150,122 |
.PaleGoldenrod |
238,232,170 |
.DarkSeaGreen |
143,188,143 |
.PaleGreen |
152,251,152 |
.DarkSlateBlue |
72,61,139 |
.PaleTurquoise |
175,238,238 |
.DarkSlateGray |
40,79,79 |
.PaleVioletRed |
219,112,147 |
.DarkTurquoise |
0,206,209 |
.PapayaWhip |
255,239,213 |
.DarkViolet |
148,0,211 |
.PeachPuff |
255,218,155 |
.DeepPink |
255,20,147 |
.Peru |
205,133,63 |
.DeepSkyBlue |
0,191,255 |
.Pink |
255,192,203 |
.DimGray |
105,105,105 |
.Plum |
221,160,221 |
.DodgerBlue |
30,144,255 |
.PowderBlue |
176,224,230 |
.Firebrick |
178,34,34 |
.Purple |
128,0,128 |
.FloralWhite |
255,250,240 |
.Red |
255,0,0 |
.ForestGreen |
34,139,34 |
.RosyBrown |
188,143,143 |
.Fuschia |
255,0,255 |
.RoyalBlue |
65,105,225 |
.Gainsboro |
220,220,220 |
.SaddleBrown |
139,69,19 |
.GhostWhite |
248,248,255 |
.Salmon |
250,128,114 |
.Gold |
255,215,0 |
.SandyBrown |
244,164,96 |
.Goldenrod |
218,165,32 |
.SeaGreen |
46,139,87 |
.Gray |
128,128,128 |
.Seashell |
255,245,238 |
.Green |
0,128,0 |
.Sienna |
160,82,45 |
.GreenYellow |
173,255,47 |
.Silver |
192,192,192 |
.Honeydew |
240,255,240 |
.SkyBlue |
135,206,235 |
.HotPink |
255,105,180 |
.SlateBlue |
106,90,205 |
.IndianRed |
205,92,92 |
.SlateGray |
112,128,144 |
.Indigo |
75,0,130 |
.Snow |
255,250,250 |
.Ivory |
255,240,240 |
.SpringGreen |
0,255,127 |
.Khaki |
240,230,140 |
.SteelBlue |
70,130,180 |
.Lavender |
230,230,250 |
.Tan |
210,180,140 |
.LavenderBlush |
255,240,245 |
.Teal |
0,128,128 |
.LawnGreen |
124,252,0 |
.Thistle |
216,191,216 |
.LemonChiffon |
255,250,205 |
.Tomato |
253,99,71 |
.LightBlue |
173,216,230 |
.Turquoise |
64,224,208 |
.LightCoral |
240,128,128 |
.Violet |
238,130,238 |
.LightCyan |
224,255,255 |
.Wheat |
245,222,179 |
.LightGoldenrodYellow |
250,250,210 |
.White |
255,255,255 |
.LightGreen |
144,238,144 |
.WhiteSmoke |
245,245,245 |
.LightGray |
211,211,211 |
.Yellow |
255,255,0 |
.LightPink |
255,182,193 |
.YellowGreen |
154,205,50 |